My Sponsors

Lowongan BUMN : Waskita Karya

During economic crisis which violenty swept several regions of the world in 1997,  innumerable  companies particularly within the construction industry suffered huge losses and driven into bankruptcy. Waskita, amongst those, was the only one having the endurance and strength to survive through  torrents of the severe crisis.
Proper implementation of strategy, management system, and organization structure has become the cornerstones sustaining Waskita to withstand the ordeal in the times of hardship.

The company's motto “Onward through high quality performance” has become  the hearts and minds of everybody in the company. It generates a strong motivation in the working life of the people who are always willing to deliver their best performances for the advancement of the company.

By any means, the convidence to grow in becoming a great and strong company thriving  in globalisation era and regional autonomy, Waskita recognizes the necessity for  consolidation  and introspection through real actions.

Enable to give a clear orientation in determining the company's objective in entering the third millenium, Waskita has reformulated its vision, mission, work philosophy, and corporate culture which have been belonged to the company for more than fifteen years.

Sebuah Perusahaan Jasa Konstruksi Nasional terkemuka, membutuhkan tenaga berpengalaman untuk mengerjakan proyek-proyek besar di seluruh Indonesia dan Luar Negeri :

Lead Engineer (LE)

  • Pria usia maksimum 40 th.
  • S1 Teknik (Sipil, Elektro, Kimia, Fisika) dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2.75
  • Pengalaman 5 tahun di Engineering, menangani proyek building dan Power Plant
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan komputer (MS. Office).

Kirimkan surat lamaran & CV lengkap Anda dengan mencantumkan kode posisi / jabatan di sudut kiri atas amplop, paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini diterbitkan ke :

Gedung Waskita
 Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. No. 10 Cawang â€" Jakarta 13340

Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview


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